Christian Discipleship That Changes Lives.

A Complete Handbook to Disciple Believers in Their Faith

About this Handbook

This is a complete handbook for mentors to help disciple believers and set the foundations for life as a believer.

With one to one Christian discipleship you will get tips, practical workbooks and guides included. This handbook will cover everything you need to disciple any believer, at any stage.


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Who is this designed for?


Mature Believers who follow Jesus’s teaching, learning from Him and modelling a life after Him.

Church Leaders

Leaders who recognise the flock needs to be discipled, who can save time by using this tried and tested tool, that can employ a team of suitable users from their church family to equip them to disciple anyone that walks through their church doors as well as using it themselves with participants on a one-to-one basis. (Discounts available to Churches, Pastors & bulk purchases)


New Converts

The handbook is very easy to understand so even if you are a new convert, you could take yourself through this material, however, if this is you, please contact us we may have a mentor available to take you through the material should you desire.

Practical Workbooks

The workbooks are session-based and designed for you to work through together, not test sheets. These are completed together enabling the disciples to keep them, take them home and reflect over their sheets repeatedly with all the answers provided.

Purchase Your Handbook

If you are serious about the work of the gospel, this discipleship handbook is for you. It will bear much fruit for all involved. The Christian one-to-one discipleship handbook has a proven track record of changing people’s lives and helping new believers on their journey.